When encountering opposing ILS’s with shared frequencies, one will be on and the other will be off. Navigation stations can be enabled and disabled using the RTD IOS. When enabling the ILS that is currently turned off (disabled), be sure to turn off (disable) the opposing ILS, so that only one is on at a time.
Category: IOS
Articles related to the operation of the IOS software on the RTD.
Setting the Weight and Balance
The Weight & Balance page allows the operator to define a payload weight at each loading station in the aircraft, e.g. seats, tanks, etc. The system automatically computes the Gross Weight and Longitudinal CG (Center of Gravity) based payload weight and CG at each loading station in the aircraft.
Setting the Environment Reference Airport
The Reference Airport is used as a ground reference for the current weather. The Reference Airport header displays the currently selected airport, and its altitude.
Setting the Time of Day
The Time of Day option provides control over the date and time of day.
Setting the Barometric Pressure
The pressure option provides the ability to set the barometric pressure.
Setting the Outside Air Temperature
The temperature option provides the ability to set the outside air temperature.
Setting the Clouds
The Clouds option provides the ability to set one cloud layer at a specified altitudes.
Setting the Precipitation
The Precipitation option is used to enable precipitation in the form of rain or snow, and set its intensity.
Setting the Wind/Turbulence
The Wind option provides the ability to set one wind variations at all altitudes. Selecting a wind setting has the appropriate effect on the aircraft’s ground track.
Setting the Visibility (Haze/Ground Fog)
The Visibility option is used to setup haze and ground fog.